Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Welcome to my blog on Bahamian Legal Advice

I have been thinking for awhile now about convenient methods to be able to promulgate basic knowledge to Bahamian people about common legal issues that often arise in our lives.  The majority of people don’t consider the legal ramifications of decisions they make until something goes wrong.  This can be either because they are not aware of the potentially far-reaching consequences, or the person or corporation with whom they are doing business exerts tremendous pressure on them to accept terms of contracts that they are not given an opportunity to examine their situation and properly prepare or protect themselves.

The purpose of this blog is to provide general legal knowledge about issues that we are exposed to almost on a daily basis.  I will try to touch on different issues on a regular basis.  I will also update you on any changes to the law.  I will also try to give you some advice on practical, as well as legal, issues; in hopes that my work can enrich your lives, even if only a little bit.  This way, I know that what I am doing is worthwhile.

I am a Counsel & Attorney-at-Law in The Bahamas with experience in a breadth of areas of law and I hope that my knowledge may assist you in dispensing with your legal issues or, better yet, preventing them from arising.

I welcome your questions or suggestions of any specific areas that you would like for me to discuss.  Your questions may give me new areas of law or issues to research and I am always content with new challenges to work on.

I hope you find my site useful and feel free to provide any comments.

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