Friday, 4 May 2012

This is more of an idle post.  I know that there have not been many developments on the blog as of late.  I have been trying to deal with relocation and it has taken away from my time to do all the other things I wanted to do.

I thought that I would try something new.  I have noted that I am starting to get hits on my site, which is great because this site is designed for you.  To allow you to get that first step of information to help you with your issues or general queries.  I mean, if I can save you a $200 consultation fee, then my job is done.  Now I thought that I would try to encourage your comments or questions.  If you come to this site looking for an answer to a specific topic and you do not see anything about that topic posted here.  Send me a message and I will try to create a post for that topic.

Please remember that I cannot guarantee that I can post to every question, and if I have already posted on that topic I will direct you to the post.  Also, I am not giving specific advice here.  This is only intended to give you the basic knowledge so that you can have an idea which direction you need to go.

Thank you for viewing.

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